UNI, which is short for uniting or unity, is an English language learning system that I have created and designed. It is intended for young students in grades K-3, who are learning English while trying to keep up in the classroom, or via webcam with personal teachers.
Since there is the language barrier as well as different teaching environments (online teaching for example), it can be difficult for all parties to truly bond. I want UNI to not only help young students learn English, but also raise their confidence when it comes to something big such as learning a new language, and to develop connections between the teacher and their student(s).
Kobi and Yume are spokes-characters for UNI that I have designed. They are Shiba Inu puppies who will help the children along the way and make them feel more comfortable and not alone, cheering them on, or appearing in various activities, being the students motivation. Kobi means "awesome" in Japanese, and Yume means "dream." Together the represent the awesome dream to learn a new language.
There is a total of three outputs, and this serves as output one. These interactive flashcards would provide students who are learning English with visuals of what the word represents which they can color in themselves. The words are in both English and the student’s native language (I chose to work with Japanese as an example). This is done to promote how students are able to recognize and associate a word, action, or phrase through the process of familiarity.
On the backside of the card, the student would have to practice writing out the word, phrase, or a sentence using the word. The goal here is to get students to be able to quickly make thought out answers based on what they see and be able to repeat after themselves the English word and the word they know and interchanging them through lessons.
Tools used: Adobe Illustrator CC and a Wacom Intuos Tablet